I’ve gone straight for something a bit weird for day two. But we’re not doing too much different from day one. Just adding a different background gradient to the divs, displaying them with a little flex magic and again changing the widths.
Yes these vis are simple, but I think it's good we're starting simple, stay with me and we'll see where we end!
It’s pertinent I didn’t change much, all these little codevembers are all part of a bigger remit to add to my browser powered VJ software: Vizra. By writing a different one each day I can begin to see what functionality to include in the software. For instance a ‘live coding’ editor would be great so as I’m running the software I can change the previous days to todays whilst I’m performing. That would be a cool feature.
Mos Def - Ms Fat Booty for this one
See the Pen Codevember AudioVis #2 by Rumyra (@Rumyra) on CodePen.