MobDevCon 2013

Earlier this week I found myself in the middle of very flat Norfolk. Coming from the West Country I'm used to the middle of no-where and actually enjoyed walking down the non pavement road to Hethel Engineering Centre from my b&b.

The conference was hosted by Naked Element Ltd. Specifically Paul Grenyer and Marie Cooper who were both very friendly and accommodating.

There were some great talks throughout the day. Ranging from topics such as NFC technology, how to code custom components for Android devices and why cross platform development is the only way forward. More here

I spoke about Building Apps for Firefox OS which went down very well. So well in fact Paul and Marie very kindly asked me back next year to present the opening keynote! How exciting!

There were several requests to have some of this year’s speakers back next year, including Neil Garner, Ruth John and Paul Lammertsma. Ruth John has already agreed to open next year’s conference.

Overall an great experience and a great conference. I'm already looking forward to next year.